The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

US Army-Oct. 66 to Oct. 68 Social work employment with American Red Cross 8/69-8/71, 3/70-8/71 in Vietnam. Earned MSW 5/75 from Boston College. Earned Mas. of Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Sem 6/80. Youth pastor in Presbyterian Church through 12/84 in Salisbury, MD. Earned MDiv from Gordon-Conwell in 6/86. Member of Tecate Mission, Tecate, CA, 1988-5/2006. Regional Coordinator, Southern Mexico, Dept. of Theological Education by Extension, 1994-2006. Licensed Master Social Worker and Teaching Assistant, 2009, State of New York. Presently Migrant Tutor and ESL teacher, Mohawk Migrant Educational Outreach Program, Herkimer, NY, and English/Spanish translator, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Fulton/Montgomery Counties, NY. Married Margaret Denman 4/15/1977. Adopted Susannah Ellen Rose 5/31/1990. Widowed 3/15/2001. Married Kathleen Carey 8/16/2008. Grandfather 12/8/2008.